I am so glad to have some time to myself to relax and be a little antisocial.
I've been up to a lot over the past year and in the past few months. The next post I make will be a copy of my "Year in Review," something my dad asked me to send him over the summer. Since this summer though, I've been doing some stuff. I'm now in my senior year, and I'm also a SAM (student academic mentor). My website for my program is now online (www.TheCocoonYEP.org), and I'm working on a professional artist site as well as getting everything together for my song concert in the spring and my dance performance in the spring. I'm learning lighting design, will be learning costume design next semester, and will be continuing to learn Twi this year, to maintain some fluency for whenever I return to Ghana.
Now, it's fall break! That doesn't mean the work stops (currently struggling through a thesis), but it DOES mean that I get to go visit my best friend. I'll be heading out on Wednesday and I'll be back at school on Monday. I'm excited becauseI miss him, and because this'll be the first time I visit his school (the last time will be for graduation in May).
I'm so excited about everything going on in my life, but it's so draining sometimes! Which is why I'm glad a lot of people are gone for break; it means I have some time to just be alone with my thoughts. And I get to watch lots of Netflix and dance videos, like this one (pardon the profanity):
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