Friday, January 11

The Gap Year/ Post-Grad Plan Timeline

So, I've been home for some weeks now for winter break. And during that time, the dreaded question always comes..."So, what are you doing after you graduate?"

The question is dreaded for me, not because I don't have a plan, but because every time I tell people my plan, they get confused. I have a lot going on in my life: I want to go to grad school, I'm working on my non-profit, I'm moving home, and I have other plans as a social entrepreneur. So, I decided to make a timeline. A somewhat month by month breakdown of what 2013-2014 looks like so far in my mind. This is just the simple breakdown, I may come back to break down further what each plan looks like and why I want to do it.

Here we go:

  • June-August: I graduate from college June 2nd, and immediately come home to run the pilot program of my nonprofit, The Cocoon: Youth Empowerment Program.
  • August (or September): I will (hopefully) be embarking on a month-long Amtrak road trip, which will take me to Illinois, Oregon, Washington, and California. A time of reflection, post-grad break, and seeing family/friends that I don't often get to see, in an area of the country I have never gone.
  • September: Start (or continue) work at my job. I've already started applying to jobs. Hopefully my job will not begin until September, unless it's one I can do in the summer while I run my camp. We'll also be working on the school-year version of The Cocoon.
  • November: Sending in my application for the MFA dance program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • December: possible Christmas trip to Ghana?
  • January: Hopefully receiving acceptance letter to MFA program. Commence celebration.
  • May/June:Hopefully starting the first summer intensives of my MFA program.
Bam! That sounds easy enough right? I'll be home in New Orleans, and I couldn't do my MFA program this summer because the pilot program of my nonprofit starts this summer. The MFA program I'm applying to is somewhat like a remote program. It is one where I can do a lot of my credits in three summer intensives, and one that may allow me to travel to study dance in Ghana, work on my dance program here in New Orleans, and possibly travel with a company if I so choose, all for credit/supported by the MFA program.

Yay! I'll edit this timeline if I've forgotten something/if plans change.


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